International Medical Insurance for Expatriates

13 June 2013

Professional Expats Demographics

The current number of expatriates may be shocking to some. Over 200 million people now live and a previous entry, employers expect to increase the number of foreign assignments during 2013, and few expats plan to go back home during this year, according to various sources.
work in guest countries, of which 4.5 million are Britons. This figure has the potential to change. As we mentioned in

Although there is no evidence yet that supports the differences between the various generations of professional expatriates, we thought it would be interesting to explore some anecdotal data.

  • Traditionalists, are the oldest generation of expats alive today. The professional expats believe in the link made between the effort made and the benefits earned from it. They are hard workers who saved their money and made few demands in terms of benefits that could aid them to adapt to their destination.
  • The so-called 'baby boomers' are more independent. They are hard workers whose focus on success affected their work-life balance. Unlike the previous generation, they did demand certain benefits, especially in relation to their family, such as accommodation or health insurance.
  • The Generation X represent the most common workforce today. They are close to reaching the peak of their careers. Highly educated, they are keen on grabbing a destination that could mean a progress in their career.
  • The Generation Y consists of young, open-minded and adventurous professionals. They are more likely to work on developmental type of projects and are the most adaptable. Being hard-workers, they also value their free time and being able to enjoy new experiences.
  • The Generation Z are sometimes called 'digital natives'. They have never known a world without technology, and it is not a problem for them to handle large amounts of data. They are also the most connected people. A key aspect of this generation is that they are used to receiving instant gratification and feedback.

Today's expat generation is certainly different from the previous ones. Professionals today are moving countries for lifestyle, as compared to other generations. Work is not as important for young professional expats as knowing what to do in their destinations in their own time. They believe their qualifications will ease their way to a good job.

Next time, we will focus on today's professional expats.

Thanks for reading.

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